You are here : Administrator Tools > Admin Masters > Document Control Master Document Control Master
Every organization has its own unique way of functioning. Through this option, users can instruct IMMS to behave in a particular manner to suit the functioning of the organization. In technical jargon this process is known as setting the flags. Hence, setting the flag as YES or NO to certain options, determines the behaviour of IMMS.
It is very important for the user to know the implications of setting the flag in a particular position. Administrator/User, after taking inputs from all the concerned, needs to take an informed decision before setting the flag in a particular position. Positions of these flags cannot be changed during the year.
This particular master specifically maintains the settings related to authorization and number generation of various Documents that are raised throughout IMMS.
For the first time, all the fields will be displayed as blank and the user can enter the desired value for them as per the company's requirement. Once saved, a user can change or view the settings. But once saved, some of the fields that can not be changed. So please be sure while setting these flags.
Click on button to define the settings.
As you can see, the screen has been divided into two sections.
The left hand section displays a list of all Documents that are raised through different modules of IMMS. Some of the Documents are further subdivided into options they provide. For example Goods Receipt Note is further divided into Capital GRN, Cash Purchase GRN, Import GRN, Labour GRN and many more. You need to select the desired Document by clicking on it. Please click on the +sign to expand such Documents. To collapse them, click on '-' sign.
The right hand section displays details related to the selected Document. The screen will be displayed as follows -
Authorization Required?
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if it is compulsory to Authorize that particular Document after saving it. Otherwise, keep the flag 'Off'.
Multiple Authorization Required?
IMMS provides a feature to specify multiple users in hierarchy who can authorize that Document.
This option gets enabled only if 'Authorization Required?' option is selected. Otherwise it remains disabled.
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if the Authorization has to be done in multiple levels by multiple users. As a result following grids will become active.
Document Level Details
This grid maintains the levels of authorization and the value limit of the Document (if applicable), up to which authorization is required.
If there are no previously defined levels, the grid will be displayed blank. You can start entering the levels as per your requirement. Also it is possible to add more levels to already existing levels.
Press <INSERT> to add a new level. As a result, a new row will be added in the end of the grid.
Automatically displays a sequence number generated by the system. This number denotes the level of authorization in the hierarchy.
Hierarchical Required:
Denotes whether further hierarchy is required for the current level or not.
Select 'Y' for if further hierarchy is required or 'N' if further hierarchy is not required. Selecting 'Y' means there may be one or more Users who can Authorize the Document. Whereas selecting 'N' means there is only a single User who can Authorize the Document.
Value Limit:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.2)
Please note that this field will be enabled only if the selected Document needs to be authorized on the basis of its value. Otherwise this field will remain disabled.
This field denotes the limit of the Document in terms of its value up to which authorization by the current level can be done. Therefore, the limit for first level would be between 0 to entered Value Limit (0 - 50000). The limit for second level would be between value of first level and entered Value Limit (50000 - 100000). The limit of third level would be between value of second level and entered Value Limit (100000 - 200000) and so on and so forth.
Document User Level Authorization Details
Once the levels are specified through the above grid, their individual sub -levels can be specified through this grid.
If there are no previously defined sub-levels, the grid will be displayed blank. You can start entering the sub-levels as per your requirement. Also it is possible to add more sub-levels to already existing sub-levels.
Press <INSERT> to add a new sub-level. As a result, a new row will be added in the end of the grid.
Denotes the Level number that has already been specified through the above grid.
Press <ENTER> on the field. A popup will display all the Level numbers that have been specified in the 'Document Level Details' grid. Now select the Level number from this popup for which you want to specify Sub Level(s).
Sub Level:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 2)
Denotes the Sub-level for the selected level.
Press <ENTER> on the field. Now enter the Sub Level for the selected Level. There can be multiple Sub-Levels for the same Level but they can be entered in sequence only.
Please note that in case the 'Hierarchical Required?' field for the selected Level is 'N', than the Sub-Level for that Level can be entered as 0 only. In case the 'Hierarchical Required?' field for the selected Level is 'Y', than the Sub-Level for that Level should start with 1.
User Code:
Denotes the User belonging to the Sub-Level who can Authorize the Document.
Press <ENTER> on the field. press <F5> key to access a list of Users already defined through User Management option. Select your desired User from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the User Code. Press <ENTER>.
Please note that -
If there are multiple Sub-Levels under a Level, than any one User from the group can authorize the Document but the preference would be in the order.
- If there is no Sub-Level under a Level, than the User specified at the 0 Sub-Level can authorize the Document.
User Name:
Name of the selected User Code will be displayed automatically for your reference.
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if you want the system to generate the Document Number automatically. A new Document Number is generated by incrementing the previous Number by one for current financial year. Otherwise, keep the flag 'Off'.
If this option is 'Off', then IMMS allows a User to enter a unique Document Number manually. The system also ensures that the Number entered is a unique one.
Turn the flag 'On' by clicking on it if you want to generate the Document Numbers on the basis of Sites. It allows to create groups within a particular Site. In this case, the Document Numbers belonging to a type of Document will be generated within each Group of a Site of the Company. You can further specify those particular Sites through the grid appearing below.
If this option is 'Off', then the Document Numbers will be generated irrespective of the Site.
Next, a grid will be displayed as follows -
While defining the flags for the first time, this grid will be displayed as blank with only Document Year pre-filled with the current financial year of the selected Company. Otherwise, it will be populated with all the data already entered previously.
You can add more Groups by clicking on the button. As a result, a new row will be added in the end of the grid.
Field Description of the grid -
Click on the
icon to remove a record from the grid. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the record.
Document Year:
The current year of the selected Company
will be displayed by default. It can not be changed.
Group Code:
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 2)
Denotes the Group/Category of the Document.
Click on the field. Now enter a Group Code for the selected Document Type for the current financial year.
Please note that if 'Site Required?' field is 'On', then in that case the Group Code should be unique within each Site. This means that same Group Codes should not be repeating within the same Site but can be used but for different Sites. If the 'Site Required?' field is 'Off', then in that case a unique Group Code should be entered.
Group Code Description:
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 60)
Click on the field. Enter the Description for the Group Code. Press <TAB>.
Denotes the Site for which the entered Group Code will be used to group the Document.
This field will be enabled only if 'Site Required?' field is 'On'. Otherwise it will remain disabled.
A selected 'Site Required?' field means that the user wants to create groups within a Site. Therefore, Group Codes should be unique within a Site. You can maintain Group codes for various Sites of a Company here.
Click on the field to access a list of Sites belonging to the selected Company defined through Site Master option. Select your desired Site from the list by clicking on it. Alternatively you can also enter the Site Code. Press <TAB>.
Is Default:
Click on the field. Select either 'Yes' or 'No' from the given popup. Please note that there can be only one default combination of Year, Site and Group.
While generating a Document, the default combination of its Year, Site and Group will be displayed automatically without the user having to enter them again and again for each entry. But if required, the user can always change them.
Last Sr. No:
Denotes the last Document Serial Number that was generated for the combination of Year, Site and Group for the selected Document. By default the Serial Number is zero that can be changed as per your requirement.
Click on the field. Now enter the Serial Number. Press <TAB>.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.